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You will find following message in your inbox from infoaxe.net or fliporamail.com. If you are getting such emails, don’t click on any Links or Buttons.




Technically this isn’t exactly a virus or scam or information phishing scheme, it sure seems like Search engine hijacker. Flip, Flipora, Filporamail and Infoaxe are all the same company. The service they apparently offer is to track your web browsing habits and suggest ads and search results and other websites based on what sites you visit. It is likevoluntarily signing up to have spyware or malware on your computer. The worst thing about this “service” is that when you sign up you directly give them access to your email address book and they use that information to send all of your friends, family and co-workers junk mail inviting them to also use Flip, Flipora, Fliporamail and Infoaxe.


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