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Hello. I have an issue with an laptop with Windows 7 64bit Home Premium. There is only one usable USB port on my laptop. I suspect it is an eSATA port, though I ain't completely sure of that. Then there is one ssUSB and two normal USB2 ports. There is onle the eSATA port that is usable for external devices, such as mouses, memory sticks, etc. The other three ports only seem to provide power without any issues, as I have a fan pad connected to one of the other three ports, and it's working as expected. But if I try to connect any external device that requires anythen else than power, my laptop beeps at me for a while, and if I don't unplug it within like, 3-5 seconds, it throws a BSoD in my face. And the thing is, I seriously need at least two USB ports working, because I need to transfer some files to the USB stick. And I know what you are thinking now, "Why the **** don't you just simply use the touchpad on the laptop, duh?" Well, if you think that, then I have a good answer for you that may shock you.. It doesn't work either. I have tried both using windows update and manually updating the drivers (And yes, I did it the proper way of deleting them first). Strange thing is, I didn't have this problem a month ago, and I haven't used it much during this time. Anyways, I'd appreciate any help, and I'll provide any aditional information you guys might need.


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