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  • FPCH Admin


the demos shown at

http://officeignitelabs.cloudguides.com/Office%20365%20Guides.htm under the identity management section show that the example company alpineskihouse.com uses a subdomain of office365.alpineskihouse.com for the users email address.

when creating the whole AD FS stuff linking in with O365, if someone sends an email to

bob@alpineskihouse.com will the email reach him or does it have to be sent to

bob@office365.alpineskihouse.com? is there anyway we can just use the main domain name of alpineskihouse.com? at present our email server is on premise and users emails are in the format of:

bob@alipineskihouse.com when a user wants to log in to the office 365 portal, and when receiving email they would like to just sign into the service and use the email address as bob@alpineskihouse.com

adding the sub-domain of office365 (or similar) would cause confusion for us, and we would have to reproduce marketing materials which use these email addresses.... can someone please explain if this possible and briefly how we would do this? I am completely

new to the AD FS stuff.

additionally, in the first demo of identity management in the link shown above, they use sts.office365.alpineskihouse.com in their DNS for a host record... what is "sts"? what relevance does this have for the setup? what does sts stand for?

Thank you




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