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Hello can someone please tell me, what is the problem here?

i am setting up a server for 30 useres, with different permissions.

now is my problem:

i cant see the shared folders and devices


This is my login.bat file that comes up with an error i cmd, for my client(user)pc.


(the x.x in ip, is supposed to be there)


rem @echo off


@echo +-----------------------------------------------+

@echo FUSK IT ApS

@echo Login-script til de ansatte

@echo © TRH + DAS 2005

@echo +-----------------------------------------------+



net use m: \\192.168.x.x\Programmer /PERSISTENT:NO

rem @echo Frste tjek

if %USERNAME% == olo goto Salg

if %USERNAME% == stb goto Salg

if %USERNAME% == beg goto Salg

if %USERNAME% == joh goto salg


if %USERNAME% == bib goto Indkoeb

if %USERNAME% == jat goto Indkoeb


if %USERNAME% == vih goto Administration

if %USERNAME% == kib goto Administration

if %USERNAME% == lom goto Administration

if %USERNAME% == maj goto Administration


if %USERNAME% == lal goto it

if %USERNAME% == gun goto it

if %USERNAME% == kap goto it


if %USERNAME% == lok goto prod

if %USERNAME% == toj goto prod

if %USERNAME% == suf goto prod

if %USERNAME% == ibf goto prod

if %USERNAME% == hab goto prod

if %USERNAME% == tog goto prod

if %USERNAME% == frc goto prod

if %USERNAME% == tob goto prod


if %USERNAME% == bjh goto Lager

if %USERNAME% == brb goto Lager

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til Salgsafdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\salg /PERSISTENT:NO

net use s: \\192.168.x.x\SIsamlet /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til Indkbsafdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\indkoeb /PERSISTENT:NO

net use i: \\192.168.x.x\SIsamlet /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til Administrationsafdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\Administration /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til IT-afdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\IT /PERSISTENT:NO

net use g: \\192.168.x.x\IT\Manualer /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til Produktionafdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\Produktion /PERSISTENT:NO

net use g: \\192.168.x.x\IT\Manualer /PERSISTENT:NO

if %USERNAME% == toj goto pnext

if %USERNAME% == hab goto pnext

if %USERNAME% == tob goto pnext

goto nextcheck



net use v: \\192.168.x.x\Produktion\Vaerkf /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



@echo Mapper drev til Lagerafdelingen

net use j: \\192.168.x.x\Produktion\Lager /PERSISTENT:NO

goto nextcheck



rem @echo Nste tjek

if %USERNAME% == jaa goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == olo goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == bib goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == vih goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == lal goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == lok goto Ledelse

if %USERNAME% == hab goto rep

if %USERNAME% == tog goto rep

if %USERNAME% == frc goto rep

goto end



@echo Mapper drev til Boss'erne

net use l: \\192.168.x.x\Ledelse /PERSISTENT:NO

goto end



@echo Mapper drev til reperationsafdelingen

net use r: \\192.168.x.x\Produktion\Rep\Repsedler /PERSISTENT:NO

goto end





(pause for seeing the error)



Thanks in advice..


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