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Hi everyone! I'm am unfortunately a person with a small amount of knowledge in a small town. A couple doctor's offices have asked me to help with keeping the networks and workstations operational. The previous admin looks like he had less experience than I do. So please forgive any really simple or stupid questions I may have.


A long time ago I managed my own network at my company which had about 25 workstations and 3 servers. Because of engineers who thought they knew what they were doing they would constantly change a setting or mess up their workstation and I'd spend hours trying to undo what they had done I decided to Ghost every machine on a weekend. This worked great! Every time something went wrong I walked up popped in a CD and pressed go! and the workstation was back to exactly as it was the weekend I created it.


Is this still the best/fastest way to get someones workstation operational again? Is Ghost still the best or is there something similar that's better or free?


Thanks for your help! I'm sure I'll be asking for more as I need to set one office up an active directory because there is no security at all on the server or ind. workstations!

Hi, I use Acronis but for your need, ghost is ok.


You may check FOG, it's free and it works!




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I came across some software made by EasUS for cloning a hard drive. Supposedly a free software with decent reviews. Although you can never tell if the reviews were written by the company marketing team!


Here's a link to the sofware/company: http://www.easeus.com/disk-copy/


Is anyone familiar with this company or this cloning software made by them? I'm thinking of trying it but I need to find a system to try it on that won't be a loss if it doesn't work. Any info that anyone has please let me know. Thanks!!

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