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  • FPCH Admin

I have now done a complete factory restore following your helpful instructions as I was having severe issues with my Compaq desktop, Vista 32 bit pc.



I am now trying to update Windows, but am not able to install KB94656 - error code 80070490 (this is the only update that will not install - others failed at first, but then were successfull. I have tried FIXIT and System Update Readiness tool and the final

option was to repair Windows, but I am not sure what the Help tool means by "insert the Windows DVD" - is it the factory backup discs I did when I first purchased my pc? If it isn't, can I go to the Restore Manager to do it?


Also, once I have done all updates, should I upgrade to IE8 before upgrading to IE9 or can I just go straight to IE9?


Thanks for previous help and hope you can help me for this one.


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