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Problems with System Time in Windows XP SP3 (And Windows Server 2003 SP 2)

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I've got 75 users running Windows XP SP3. After the DST change over on 3/8/2009 the System Clock for these users is running one hour AHEAD of the correct time. It seems somehow an hour is getting added to an already updated time.


The Time settings that I am running are:

GMT -5:00 Eeaster Time (US & Canada) -- I'm in South Carolina.

Auto. adjust clock for Daylight Saving Changes -- Checked

Sync with Internet Time Server: time.windows.com


If I manually change the time to be correct, or manually sync with the time server, the clock will display accurately for the rest of the windows session. But if I log off and come back the time will be wrong again.


The time stamps on incoming emails are also displaying incorrectly. If I have the check box for Auto Adjust clock for DST, the emails show a time stamp that is also one hour ahead. If I uncheck the box they revert to the correct time stamp. I just rebooted my Exchange 03, Windows Server 03 server and it displayed a similar behavior of having the time in as an hour ahead.


I've already applied Windows Update KB955839: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=955839. I've also run a few utilities to update Calendar items in Outlook (which work if I've got any calendar items shifted by the change in the time settings.)


Does anybody have any ideas on things to do to resolve this issue? Is anybody else seeing similar problems?




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