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Making the use of Credit Cards safe on the net:


Go before Congress and mandate that ALL websites be made in the image below.


The second way to make the use of your credit cards safe on the net is to create an electronic device that reads one of and only one of your fingerprints or toeprints to verify who you are.


This system would be rather easy for Microsoft or Apple to implement into the operating system of a computer. Check out Giant Eagle sometime as the security device is used there to verify you are the person who you say you are.


When you wanted to use your credit card you would need to first use the verifier to indentify that the person was really you using the credit card. When all the information matched up you could complete your purchase.


The verifier system would then erase the finger print or toe print used ea...ch time after about 30 seconds so if the device was stolen a hacker would not be able to use your print to access or make purchases on your behalf.


Your finger or toe print information would be kept safe at a Federally protected facility where the system would access the print stored there and would then cross reference the same print on the device with any other finger print that you have given....just as a verifification method and for no other reason.


Now I can see why Anonymous has tried hacking law enforcement websites including the government. They are looking for peoples finger and toe prints so that when the above system is created they will already have a database of information about people in order to try and create a system to use the stolen information to create their hacking / false protection base of business from.


This is the Spear Gae Derg.


Making the use of Credit Cards safe on the net:


Go before Congress and mandate that ALL websites be made in the image below.


The best way to counter the hacker/protection agencies from trapping you between them is too make companies using the internet where credit cards are used to buy things make access to your account very limited.


On alot of forums if you fail to provide the correct login and or password after five times you are locked out of being able to login for 15 minutes.


When credit cards are used and you fail to login after a set number of times your login ability should be locked out until you call the company and personally reset your password.


This is one way to keep hackers and those who provide false security out of your finances.


This is the Spear Bae Buide.


Create this system on Microsofts creditability will skyrocket into new heights with the creation of new technology meant to protect.


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