Posted March 24, 201212 yr Support/ Outlook/ Outlook 2003 Help and How-to/ Sharing Information/ With Other Programs Sign In | United StateshomeproductssupportimagestemplatesdownloadsmoreDon't miss a step with Outlookand Windows Mobile-basedSmartphoneApplies to:Microsoft OneNote 2003, Outlook2003PrintApplies toMicrosoft Office Outlook® 2003Microsoft Office OneNote® 2003 SP1Microsoft Windows Mobile™Maria, sales representative for a topoffice supply company, is in and out ofthe office all day long for her job. Butshe's never out of touch with her teamor her schedule for long. In her travels,she carries her trusty MicrosoftWindows Mobile-based Smartphone anddepends on Microsoft Office Outlook2003 to keep her up-to-date. As Mariaheads out for a busy day of meetings,see how the integration of Outlook,Microsoft Office OneNote, and herWindows Mobile-based Smartphonekeeps her moving forward on herprojects all day long.Preparing for the day aheadBefore she leaves the office for ameeting with a client, Contoso Inc.,Maria grabs her Windows Mobile-basedSmartphone from its cradle where itkeeps all of her valuable informationfrom Outlook up-to-date. She'sprepared to spend the day out of theoffice, because she knows she's alwaysin touch.Making it happen from the roadAs Maria heads downstairs to catch ataxicab to her meeting, she receives acall on her Windows Mobile-basedSmartphone from an administrativeassistant at Fabrikam, Inc. "Can Mariashift tomorrow afternoon's meetingfrom 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.?" No needto return to the office — Maria putsthe assistant on hold and quickly opensher Outlook Calendar. On her WindowsMobile-based Smartphone, Mariaconsults her schedule and sees thatshe is free at 2 P.M. tomorrow.Closing the taxicab door behind her,Maria gives the driver directions toContoso and then returns to herOutlook Calendar. She updates themeeting in her schedule and thenconfirms with the Fabrikam assistant.With over-the-air synchronization*,Maria's Outlook Calendar is nowupdated with the meeting change.Making the most of her ride to Contoso, Maria gathers her thoughts for themorning meeting ahead. To capture alast-minute idea, she opens the Notesprogram on her Windows Mobile-basedSmartphone and adds a couple of keypoints to remind herself to bring up inthe meeting.All the right information, right athandAs she arrives at Contoso, Inc., Mariafinds that she's 20 minutes early for her10:00 A.M. meeting. To takeadvantage of the unexpected time,she opens her Outlook Contacts on herWindows Mobile-based Smartphone tofind the office number for Nate Sun,her main contact at Contoso. Maybe hecan fill her in on which way theexecutive board is leaning. It can't hurtto get an idea of what to expect!Ever on the lookout for updates fromher team, Maria checks her e-mail onthe elevator up to Nate's office. Shepauses in the tenth floor atrium as shereads that her assistant needs Maria'sapproval to order additional samples foran upcoming trade show. "Absolutely!"Maria quickly sends back in e-mail. Shescans her other messages to see thannone need immediate attention andheads to Nate's office.She and Nate catch up on things for afew minutes and then head outtogether for their meeting. They're inthe elevator before they realize thatthey don't remember the meetingroom number. Maria quickly opens herOutlook Calendar on her WindowsMobile-based Smartphone and checksthe meeting request. It's in conferenceroom 6632! Both are relieved to knowthey won't have to awkwardly walk inlate.During the meeting, Maria's last-minuteidea from the taxicab ride is well-received. She adds a couple of newfigures to her notes in her Notesprogram and saves them for discussionwith her team later.Wrapping it all upIn the cab ride back to the office, Mariachecks her e-mail again. She sees anote from her manager inquiring aboutthe meeting. "Success!" she replies andsmiles. Then, so she doesn't have towaste time back at the office, she runsthrough the rest of her messages andis able to read and delete several low-priority items before she returns.Back in her office, before she calls toorder lunch, Maria pops her WindowsMobile-based Smartphone back into itscradle so that she can download hernotes in OneNote. She needs to getthese to her team right away. Afterthey're downloaded, she organizesthem and sends them to her team. It'sas easy as clicking a button to addthem to an Outlook message and sendthem on their way.Now she can relax and eat lunch. Aftersuch a productive morning, she's ableto enjoy it!*Cellular voice and data plan requiredfor Internet and phone access. Seedevice manufacturer and mobileoperator for details. Note The example companies,organizations, products, domain names,e-mail addresses, logos, people, places,and events depicted herein arefictitious. No association with any realcompany, organization, product,domain name, e-mail address, logo,person, places, or events is intended orshould be inferred.Rating received! We'd love toknow what you liked.Characters remaining: 500By clicking Submit, you accept theMicrosoft Service AgreementSubmitSee AlsoBuy Microsoft Office 2007 (Legacy)Contact Us| Submit Feedback| Legal| Trademarks| Privacy| Accessibility© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rightsreserved. Continue reading...
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