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Hi, I hope you guys can help me out. So, last night I left my laptop on sleep mode. When I got here this morning it was turned off, and when I turned it on I saw a message "returning from S4 state" or something like this. When it got to the part where Windows should start loading, the screen is black and I see no disk activity. After a while it displays a 0xc000000e error. I have no clue why this is happening, because most of the posts I saw where people reported a similar problem it envolved restoring a disk image or something like that, but I haven't done anything like that.

Then I started experimenting and I discovered that if I restored the system to a previous restore point it would boot. However, if I then shutdown it stops booting again. So, everytime I want to turn my laptop on I have to restore using the DVD, this is really annoying. Can anyone help me? Do you think reinstalling would help?


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