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Migrating User Profile informatioin from a Novell Windows XP environment to an AD Windows 7...

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We are in the process of migrating 2500 pcs from XP to Windows 7 using SCCM. We are repurposing PCs on the network and each machine will be formatted and repartitioned in the task sequence. Currently I am working on adding Offline use of USMT to copy user profiles to a network share prior to the format/partition and then when Win7 is installed and configured, I am attempting to run Loadstate to move the accounts from the network share back to the PC. I have it working now so that my task sequence will copy the profiles back to the Win7 machine, but no matter what I seem to try, I cannot get the accounts to migrate from local accounts to domain accounts. I have tried many variations of the /md and /mu command switches with no luck. I would really love to get this working as it looks like it should be simple in the documentation but I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing.

Here is my scanstate command, which I call from a batch file in my task sequence (seems to be working):

set USMT_WORKING_DIR=%~2%\USMTfiles\x86

"%~2\USMTfiles\x86\scanstate.exe" "%~1" /c /o /uel:30 /offlinewindir:c:\windows /v:5 /l:%~2\windows\TEMP\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:%~2\windows\TEMP\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:%~2\USMTfiles\x86\miguser.xml /i:%~2\USMTfiles\x86\migapp.xml

And here is my loadstate command that always returns an error stating that I am not using the /lac switch: (if I use the /lac switch, it ignores the /md or /mu switches and creates local accounts)

loadstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml "%~1" /progress:loadprog1.log /l:loadpr1.log /mu:ENGdesktop:VAC-ACC\ENGdesktop


loadstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml "%~1" /progress:loadprog1.log /l:loadpr1.log /md:*:VAC-ACC

Please Help!


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