Posted February 7, 201213 yr 95 % of the computers in our estate are Win XP SP3 machines We are trying to resolve the windows remote assistance issue on several computers by running the following start up script We have deployed the following .bat file (which is saved in the netlogon share) as the first step Echo Fixing Problem Registry Key Echo REM Set the File Name [user temp directory]EnableRA.reg and delete if already present SET tempreg=c:\sms\EnableRA.reg IF EXIST %tempreg% DEL %tempreg% REM Write the Reg File Echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>>%tempreg% Echo Echo>>%tempreg% Echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]>>%tempreg% Echo "fInHelpMode"=dword:00000000>>%tempreg% REM Run the Reg File in Silent Mode Regedit /S %tempreg% REM Sleep for a bit @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul REM Sleep for a bit @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul REM Delete the file IF EXIST %tempreg% DEL %tempreg% REM Sleep for a bit @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul net stop rdsessmgr REM Sleep for a bit @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul net start rdsessmgr REM Sleep for a bit @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul I also run the sessmgr.exe -service as the second step in the GPO however this doesn't seem to resolve the issue even after a computer is rebooted. When i run the following process manually it works every single time 1. Manage the computer - go into System tools - local users and groups - users - helpassistant - untick 'account is disabled' 2. run psexec \\remotecomputer -s sessmgr.exe -service 3. reboot the computer I cant keep doing the above for every pc in the estate and hence I am desperately looking for script that will do the above 3 steps (can do without the reboot though) that can potentially be deployed using GPO - startup scripts. Continue reading...
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