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Hi Folks!


I had been using hmonitor.exe ( http://www.hmonitor.net ) to monitor the core temps on my laptop (which is an excellent tool) when suddenly, after a few days of internittent usage, MSSE reported hmonitor.exe as a trojan/virus, containing the obfuscator.xz virus and then suggested I remove it from my Windows 7 Ultimate machine.

See: http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/Threat/Encyclopedia/Entry.aspx?Name=VirTool%3AWin32%2FObfuscator.XZ


I emailed Alexander Berezkin, the hmonitor.exe creator, and he noted this was a false positive, confirming that hmonitor.exe did not conatin any viruses.


I need your help....is this a result of MSSE reporting a false positive and if so, what do you suggest I do so MSSE no longer tries to remove hmonitor.exe ?


Thank you,

Bill Quinn


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