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thank you very much


that did the trick










Tom Allen wrote:




Re: Moving Icons






Right click the desktop and under 'View' check that 'Auto arrange' and


'Align to grid' are not checked then put the icons where you want them.








Previous Posts In This Thread:




On Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:19 PM


Carl L wrote:




Moving Icons


Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place but I do not know where to put






How come every so often on my desktop my icons get rearranged?




Is there a bug in my system?


















Carl L




On Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:52 PM


Adam Albright wrote:




Re: Moving Icons


On Thu, 22 May 2008 18:19:31 -0500, Carl L








That has been a Windows bug forever. Goes back years, never has been






Several things can cause this. For example if you change your


resolution, dumb as dirt Windows will "forget" whatever arrangement


you had your icons in and push them all to the left in rows.




I repeat again... Microsoft does not know how to write good software.


Everyone knows it. Well everyone but the clueless fanboy crowd that


foolishly think Vista is the greatest thing since sliced bread.




On Friday, May 23, 2008 4:48 AM


Tom Allen wrote:




Re: Moving Icons


Right click the desktop and under 'View' check that 'Auto arrange' and


'Align to grid' are not checked then put the icons where you want them.










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