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I found a solution that solved this problem in Server 2008. It is a


combination of a couple of postings:




Found a solution:




Disable the Auto-activation feature


To disable the Auto-activation feature, follow these steps:


1. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click


regedit.exe in thePrograms list.


Note: If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation,


type your password or click Continue.


2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL\Activation


3. Change the DWORD value *Manual* to 1.


0 = Allow Auto-activation (Default)


1 = Disable Auto-activation


4. Change the DWORD value *NotificationDisabled* to 1.


5. Exit Registry Editor


6. Open Command Prompt and enter *slmgr -rearm*


7. Restart the computer.












KrazieKarl's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/223021.htm


View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-help/941803.htm





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