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I have one also. Have you found the appropriate drivers& software, suitable for Windows XP








quess who wrote:




Need software for NIKON LS 1000 slide scanner.






I have an old Nikon LS 1000 slide scanner and would like to use it for


scanning slides, but I need the software for it. Does any one know


where I could find the software?




Previous Posts In This Thread:




On Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:54 PM


quess who wrote:




Need software for NIKON LS 1000 slide scanner.


I have an old Nikon LS 1000 slide scanner and would like to use it for


scanning slides, but I need the software for it. Does any one know


where I could find the software?




On Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:57 PM


Bob Knowlden wrote:




Re: Need software for NIKON LS 1000 slide scanner.


This may work:








This is a link to Nikon Scan 1.63. It's not certified to work under XP (or


even Windows eke), but it may be worth a try. It's from 1997. (The site is


Korean, but this is English software.)






Return address scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.




"quess who" wrote in message






On Friday, March 14, 2008 1:21 AM


eckrichc wrote:




Try microsoft research,they have some software for misc items like that.


Try microsoft research,they have some software for misc items like that.


If not,try:http://www.downloads.com




"quess who" wrote:




On Saturday, March 15, 2008 12:49 PM


quess who wrote:




Thank you Bob and Andrew for your suggestions.


Thank you Bob and Andrew for your suggestions.












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