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Thanks, J!




The security key was there and was correct, but the ServiceDll key was








Creating it did the trick.










"J. Logan" wrote:



> I had the same worm that broke your BITS. The path that your service lists is


> correct. The problem is that the worm deleted the "Parameters" and "Security"


> keys for the BITS service from the registry. To resolve this do the following


> (Use registry editor at your own risk):




> 1) Click Start-->Run and type regedit.exe and click ok.


> 2) Navigate to HKLM\Services\CCS\BITS


> 3) Right click on BITS and choose New-->Key and name it Parameters


> 4) Left click the new parameters key. In the right pane right click and


> choose New-->Expandable String Value and name it ServiceDll


> 5) Double click the ServiceDll key that you created and in the value data


> box paste this: C:\WINDOWS\system32\qmgr.dll


> 6) Do the same procedure to create a new key called Security below BITS.


> Create a new Binary value in the security key and name it Security. Scroll


> down in the registry editor until you see a service called: wuauserv. Left


> click its security key. Double click the binary value on the right called


> security. highlight all of it (ALL OF IT!) and go back to the binary value


> that you created under BITS\Security.


> 7) Double click yours and paste in the data.


> 8) Start the service and Voila! Windows Update should work again.




> I hope this helps someone!




> "In Excelsius Dago" wrote:




> > The error code that I get for updates is 0x80246008. On looking for


> > how to approach this problem, I went to services.msg and opened up the


> > Background Intelligent transfer services dialog. System status showed


> > "stopped." I tried to start, and was told, "Could not start the


> > Background Intelligent Transfer Service service on Local Computer.


> > Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified." The path was C:


> > \WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs. Is this correct, and if so,


> > what file needs to be located and how to I get it, I wonder.


> >

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