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The problem is the followine: if I try to access windows explrer with


the Winkey+E shortcut the following message appears:






"Este archivo no tiene un programa asociado para realizar esta acción.


Cree una asociación en el panel de control Establecer asociaciones.








"This file does not have a program associated for doing this action.


Create an association in the Control Panel Create associations.






Origin of the problem: Everithing started after installing


Ultraexplorer, and try to make that the winkey+E went to this


application. I looked in the internet for tweaks fo this( and found


nothing that worked), and later I found that Ultraexplorer has an option


called win+e hook.




Explorer itself still works, when clicking "My Computer", and similar.




A funny thing: when using the explorer, every time I double click in a


folder, it is open in another window, although the option of "always


open in the same window" is activated.




The available points of restoration are all after the first


installation of Utlraexplorer, and do not solve the problem.




desinstallation of ultraexplorer did not solve the problem.




Could you please help me? I know I can tweak with autohotkeys, but what


i want to do is a repair.




I do not know much about registry, but my impression is that the


problem is there. Could anyone tell where in the registry sits all this,


and which would be the correct values?




thank you very much, muchas gracias,





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