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Mark Conrad, the liar who has to cheat to try and prove his claims ;-).

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"Mark Conrad" who, has to lie and cheat to try and prove his ridiculous















> 836 wpm, my dictation speed with 100% accuracy,


> according to Andy's test site below:




> http://www.now1technologies.com/typetest








Boy, you are dim! LOL!








Now tell us how you cheated then go back and do it properly.






Firstly, there ISN'T 836 words in their test document to start with! So you


are lying once again as your claims are impossible. The document they have


on their website NOW has a MAXIMUM OF 155 WORDS IN IT!


















THE MOST WORDS they have ever had in ANY of their documents is ONLY just


under 200. You must have doctored the test in some way because there is no


way you could dictate 836 words in the first place and there is not that


many words in the document. Mr wriggly squiggly cheat!






Now try doing it again properly, dictating the words instead of cutting and


pasting them into the test window and not cheating or doctoring the test.






My God, you will do anything including cheating to save face!







> Now perhaps Andy will stop lying about me


> being afraid to run that speed test,


> at a site he himself selected.








On the contrary. This proves even more that you are not only a liar, but a


cheat as well. So you are still afraid of taking the test as a


like-for-like contest with typists without cheating.







> The poor stupid thing actually believes that


> a test DESIGNED FOR TYPISTS can be applied


> to measuring Speech Recognition "Words Per Minute",


> as in "836 wpm".








Of Course It Can. What else have they got to compare it with then Mr clever








I have proved it by taking the test (without cheating as you did) and showed


you roughly and realistically how many words per minute can be dictated










Even Dragon themselves compare it to typing and speech recognition being


three times faster. You should know this especially being a sales


representative of Dragon.






Just have a read on their website link below which tells you this dummy!












I will show you some of the excerpts they have written on that website to


prove this.






"Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.1 Professional is the ideal solution for busy


corporate professionals to create documents and emails, fill out forms, and


streamline workflow tasks - all by speaking. It's three times faster than


most people type, with accuracy rates of up to 99%"






"Up to 99% accurate and three times faster than typing. Most people speak


more than 120 words per minute, but type less than 40 words a minute."








This was also the case when I timed myself for one minute and read from a


book where I did not know any of the text beforehand. It always came out


roundabout 150 words per minute and this has now been confirmed by that


typing test. Anybody can try this to expose your lies.






It is simply a like-for-like test to compare speech dictation speed with.


Show me another test to compare it with then?






It is quite clear to anyone with a human brain, there is no way you could


have dictated 836 wpm. It is impossible!






So I will not only reiterate that you are a barefaced liar but also a


lowlife, cheat as well.







> Andy is not too bright, y'know.






Bright enough to catch you out Mr. Lowlife Lying Cheat -).






andy t

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