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Most know newsgroups such as these attract trolls. Alias is obviously a


troll, to be more precise the troll in residence in this newsgroup, but


Alias is much more than your garden variety troll.




Alias is a buffoon. That simply means Alias is a clown, obviously


some poorly educated loser, what many would simply call


stupid. To prove that point, Alias will post about Ubuntu and his


screwed up home life. He is classic welfare cheat to the very core


of his mentally unstable self.




What's an Alias? Really we're getting into degrees of stupid.


Alias excels at showing how stupid he can be. Alias loves to be the


retard who tells others to use Ubuntu while Alias violates the groups


rules. Alias will also create a countdown to the next vile version of






For good measure Alias will usually call you ill informed if you write


anything negative about his beloved Ubuntu.


This proves beyond a doubt that Alias is not playing with


a full deck.




Alias craves attention and acceptance, so he tries hard to impress


people. He loves to install Ubuntu then tell everyone that Ubuntu is great


when in reality, Alias can't use any of the programs that Ubuntu has to


offer. Alias will then cry and bitch about how Windows doesn't work.


Then Alias will install Ubuntu Alpha products and this retard will think


that everyone should install Ubuntu Alpha products.




Every place on the planet has Windows but this socially retarded maggot has


to post about Ubuntu constantly. He then eggs on other users and when they




him an idiot or retard, he will then bitch and complain. He can


dish it out but can't take it. Very selfish and childish.




Alias is quite the little crybaby. He's among the first to curse, yell


and bitch and he's always shaking his finger at others if they put known


troublemakers in their place, however Alias has given himself absolute


authority and dominion over everyone posting to this newsgroup. Alias


has actually said he can yell, curse and scream all he wants, because he has


a right to. Maybe Alias hears voices in his head. When pressed Alias


shits his pants.




Alias obviously is way short of a full deck. The mental picture most get


of Alias is some old fool beet red in the face, pounding his fist on his


desk as he curses somebody out.


Alias not being very creative always uses the same insults even though


he's never met any of us personally. So if Alias attacks you, you are


automatically an idiot and he will tell on you.




So what you should take away from this little post is Alias is mentally


unstable, a know deranged scum sucker, a proven Sheep Fucker and just the




Putz on Usenet you'll probably ever come across.

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