Posted October 30, 200816 yr TourW.exe is an essential program for operation but not sure on what. Its located in the I386 folder. The same thing happened to me, no matter which xp disk of the 4 I own it was the same, always stopping on the TourW.exe file. I tried several things, changing HD's, CD Roms, and the same thing. I then saw a post on another site that a person change his memory and it solved the problem, thats when I got an idea. I ran a memtest and found that the first memory slot was reporting 2 errors and the test would not complete. I then tried each stick I had in the first slot and the same thing happened, I tried 2gb 4gb, 1gb, and 3gb and the same thing. Then I reinstalled the same 4gb of memory and reset my cmos. Then I Zero Filled my hard drive and reinstalled the xp and it worked!! When the operating system was installed I ran a memtest and there were no errors. Look I am no expert, but this worked, thats all I know. Good Luck. -- Liquid ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Liquid's Profile: View this thread:
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