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Topics tagged with yahoo

  1. Yahoo’s billion account database for sale on the black market
  2. Yahoo Confirms Another Major Data Breach; More Than 1 Billion Users Affected
  3. Yahoo breach: I’ve closed my account because it used MD5 to hash my password
  4. Yahoo flaw, now fixed, allowed hackers to access any user’s email
  5. Yahoo admits data breach may affect Verizon acquisition
  6. How To Delete Your Yahoo Account
  7. Verizon is playing hard ball with Yahoo after hack
  8. Yahoo won’t let you forward your emails to another service – but why?
  9. It's time to close your Yahoo account
  10. Yahoo could have reset all user passwords two years ago, but chose not to
  11. Yahoo Facing Lawsuits, Senate Inquiry, Possibly Merger Issues After Massive Data Breach
  12. Yahoo is being sued over its massive hack
  13. What to do if you've ever had a Yahoo account
  14. Yahoo Confirms Massive Data Breach; At Least 500 Million Users Affected
  15. Report: Yahoo To Confirm Major Data Breach Affecting At Least 200M Accounts
  16. Hacker Claims To Be Selling Stolen Info For 200 Million Yahoo Accounts
  17. Yahoo enters deal to display Google search results