
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Windows 10 Build 10114 Shows Off Modified Start Menu/Screen

    This past weekend the folks over at WinBeta posted a video of an unreleased build of Windows 10 that shows off some interesting changes to the Start Menu and Start Screen. I have embedded the video below but I wanted to specifically cover the changes that are being shown in the Start Menu and...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    A Closer Look At Microsoft's Elegant New Web Browser

    It’s way more minimalist and helpful than before. If you want a sneak peek of Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 offerings beyond what the company has already shown off, look no further. Microsoft blog WinBeta has posted video of a preview version of Microsoft’s new Internet browser, called...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Windows 9 (Threshold): Welcome to Modern UI 2.0

    The Start Screen is a feature available in Windows 8.x and is loved by many. Admittedly, it had a rough start when it first entered the market thanks to Microsoft and its idea that the Start Screen was suitable for devices that didn't support touch. The Start Screen and Modern UI has come a long...