
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Your PC May Be Infected

    Scotty Zifka was looking for a sales job. He started one in late May at a company called EZ Tech Support, a small inbound call center in an older building in northeast Portland, Oregon. The first day of Zifka’s unpaid training involved listening in on sales calls. But within three hours, Zifka...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    You Can't Change Your Facebook Profile Color--It's A Virus Scam

    SAN FRANCISCO - An app that's been reported in Asia says it will change the color of Facebook profiles from the default blue. The app, which doesn't appear to have gotten much traction among users, is a scam. It allows hackers to gain access to the user's profile and spam their friends...