
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Change This New Setting If You Want To Keep Facebook Video From Being Really Annoying

    Facebook just announced several tweaks to the way video will start performing on its service soon. However, in the name of enhancing “customer experience,” Facebook is adding one change that is likely to drive a significant number of users slightly crazy: Not only auto-playing videos, but making...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Patent Troll Sues Netflix

    While it took years for Netflix to finally decide to offer the option of downloading videos for offline viewing, it’s not like the company hadn’t thought about the concept. Now Netflix and others are being targeted by a patent troll who claims to have a patent over the basic idea of downloading...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Video: Windows 10 Anniversary Update Walkthrough

    Over the last eight months a lot of words and pictures have been shared about the Windows 10 Anniversary Update that was released to the general public today. We have certainly provided you our share of those images and words as well. Now that the second major update to Windows 10 has been...
  4. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Microsoft Edge Has More Efficient Video Playback, Microsoft Says

    Microsoft Edge, the Windows 10-only successor to web browser Internet Explorer, has already shared test results showing it to be a more power-efficient browser than its competitors. Now, say Jerry Smith, Jatinder Mann and John Simmons, the browser is also better at processing video than other...
  5. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Video: Google’s self-driving car gets in minor fender-bender

    We finally have video documentation of the moment when one of Google’s self-driving cars slammed into a passenger bus last month. And it’s … really underwhelming. In the video (published by the Associated Press), you can see the interior of the bus as Google’s car slowly collides with it. The...
  6. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Windows 10 Privacy Settings Walk Through (Video)

    The volume around Windows 10 and privacy has been steadily increasing since shortly after the release of Windows 10 in late July. Just yesterday Terry Myerson, the Executive VP for the Windows Devices Group at Microsoft, laid out the companies privacy approach when it comes to Windows 10 plus...
  7. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    GameStop Dumpster Diver Accuses Employees Of Deliberately Destroying Usable Products

    Stuff breaks, and sometimes you have to throw it out. That’s life. However, when a dumpster diver discovered a batch of games and equipment thrown away outside of a GameStop store, he was angry when he discovered that many of the items had been deliberately destroyed. Why scratch up games that...
  8. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Windows 10 Build 10036 changes detailed in new video

    Earlier today we shared some leaked screenshots from build 10036 of the Windows 10 Technical Preview but now the folks over at WinBeta have published a 6 1/2 minute video showing off many of the changes in this build. If you are like me then seeing actual use and action makes it much easier to...
  9. shortordercook

    Live video Apps,Phones and more

    Meerkat is fun. But it is not groundbreaking. Live video streaming has been around the digital block. Ustream, which engages over 70 million people each month, was founded in 2007. And the pathway to 2015 is peppered with other live streaming services, some more successful than others. Bambuser...