
  1. AWS

    New Style With Variations

    I have removed the old styles replacing them with a new state that has a dark and light variation. You can switch between dark and light by using the cog icon next to your user info top right. More change on the way. If you find any bugs in the new style let me know.
  2. AWS

    Information and Oversights

    I have lightened up the sidebar on the new default style to make it better for those that don't particular like dark colors. I have also added an area to discuss the guides and tutorials posted in the Resources Section of the site. It was an oversight on my part not having a discussion area for...
  3. AWS

    New Updated Style

    I was a few revisions behind on the style we used as the default for the site. Because of that it became bloated as I added new stuff for new features and never removed the old. I decided to install the newest version and scrap the old. For the most part it isn't much different. There is a new...
  4. AWS

    New Style

    I have added new style for your use. It is a clean light style with red highlights. It will be the site default style once I finish some minor tweaking. To use the new style choose Free PC Help Forum 1.5 Red from the style drop down on the bottom left or simply click this link...
  5. AWS

    Alternative Styles

    I have added a couple alternative styles for those people who are like me that don't particularly like blue. The default style will stay the same. I wanted to get the site back as close to original as I could and blue was the color used back then. If you prefer to use one of the alternate...