
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Feds Launch Major Smackdown On Tech Support Scams

    If the world of scams was a wrestling ring, the Federal Trade Commission would be launching itself from the corner to deliver a world of hurt on tech support scammers who claim consumers’ computers are full of malware and other nasty stuff that can only be vanquished by paying them hundreds of...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Fraudsters impersonate victims' ISPs in new tech support scam

    Tech support scams have been around for quite some time. As a result, it's no surprise these ruses are growing in number and sophistication. A tech support scam used to only consist of unknown fraudsters messing around with fake anti-virus alerts, or cold-calling potential victims pretending...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Microsoft Is Cracking Down On Fake Windows Store Apps

    Microsoft's Windows and Windows Phone app stores have faced several issues with fake and scam applications over the years, but the software maker appears to be finally cracking down. After recent reports highlighting scams that lead people to pay for useless apps that are typically free...
  4. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    You Can't Change Your Facebook Profile Color--It's A Virus Scam

    SAN FRANCISCO - An app that's been reported in Asia says it will change the color of Facebook profiles from the default blue. The app, which doesn't appear to have gotten much traction among users, is a scam. It allows hackers to gain access to the user's profile and spam their friends...
  5. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    US-Based Tech Support Firm Sells Unlicensed Malwarebytes Software

    Tech support scams are very profitable, as demonstrated by a recent operation, run from Florida, USA, that managed to sell at least $230,000 / €171,000 worth of unlicensed Malwarebytes software. The scammers would find various ways to drive users to call their fake tech support service and...