
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Tech support scammers preying on young Americans, study finds

    How easily are computer users fooled by bogus technical support scams? For anyone living in the US, a new study from Microsoft suggests the chances of losing money when encountering this kind of scam are a surprising – and shocking – one in five. The firm questioned 12,000 people who’d run...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Feds Shut Down Scam That Used Pop-Up Alerts To Scare People Into Thinking Computers Were Hacked

    If you’ve ever browsed some of the internet’s seedier nooks and crannies, you might be familiar with a particular type of scam: The pop-up warning (usually accompanied by a loud, alarm-like sound) telling you that your computer has been compromised and you must call tech support immediately. To...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Fake Microsoft Telephone Call

    My daughter was at my house this afternoon when she received a telephone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft Technical Support. The man on the phone had a foreign accent and identified himself as Amanda. :D He proceeded to explain to her that her computer was infected but that he...
  4. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    You Can't Change Your Facebook Profile Color--It's A Virus Scam

    SAN FRANCISCO - An app that's been reported in Asia says it will change the color of Facebook profiles from the default blue. The app, which doesn't appear to have gotten much traction among users, is a scam. It allows hackers to gain access to the user's profile and spam their friends...