
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Turns out that you can't trust 'Trump free Wifi' at the Republican National Congress

    The cheeky japesters at Avast created a series of fake Wi-Fi networks at various locations around the Republican National Congress in Cleveland, as Silicon Angle reports: Avast’s team set up several networks, using names such as "Trump free Wifi" or "Google Starbucks," which were designed to...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Were Your Calls Spied On? World's Largest SIM Maker Is Investigating

    Has your phone been spied on? A new report claims that British and US spies used the world's largest SIM manufacturer to potentially monitor a huge number of people through their phones. With some 450 networks using the SIM cards made by Gemalto, the NSA and GCHQ may have gained access to a...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Are you a Verizon customer with unlimited data? Get ready to be throttled

    As we learned from a recent study, Verizon has been remarkably efficient at convincing unlimited wireless data plan holders to switch to newer, more profitable data plans. According to market research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, just 22% of Verizon’s mobile subscribers were...