identity theft

  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    3 Things You Might Not Realize Are Cybercrimes

    Welcome to Week 3 of National Cyber Security Awareness Month! This week’s theme, brought to you courtesy of the National Cyber Security Alliance of US businesses and government agencies, is about recognizing and combating cybercrime. That includes all manner of online crime, be it crooks...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    CEO Email Scam Returns With A Special Tax Season Twist

    We know that the above email couldn’t be real for a few reasons: Consumerist doesn’t have our own payroll department, and Olivia is a cat. Yet there’s a new variation of the now-classic CEO scam, where someone impersonates your boss over email and requests a massive wire transfer. In this...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    How to fight back against reputation damaging Internet monsters

    In today’s world people make up stuff to damage reputations for both individuals and companies, either because they are paid to or just because they are bad people. No matter the reasons, it can do an amazing amount of damage in this age of social media. Columnist Rob Enderle shares a resource...