
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Eat At Cici’s Pizza In The Last Year? Watch Your Credit Card Statements

    Let’s spin the Wheel of Credit Card Fraud and see which chain has had its payment systems compromised by malware today! Ah, this time it’s pizza buffet restaurant Cici’s, which announced this week a payment card breach that in some restaurants dates back to the beginning of 2015. You’ll want to...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Should Caller ID Spoofer Be Held Liable For Users Who Make Harassing Calls?

    Spoofing phone numbers — the practice of making it appear to the caller ID system that you’re calling from a different number — is not illegal, so long as the spoofing is not done to commit fraud or otherwise perpetrate a crime. But even when the intent of the spoofing crosses the legal line...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Report: Wendy’s May Be Latest Victim Of Credit Card Data Breach

    A burger and some chili or a baked potato seems like a great meal idea in this miserably snowy winter weather so many of us are having. Unfortunately, reports are saying that if you bought that tasty treat from Wendy’s with a credit or debit card recently, it may come with an unwanted side of...
  4. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Home Depot Card Heist Looks Bigger Than Target's

    Home Depot has yet to confirm that its United States stores were hit by massive theft of customer credit- and debit-cards, but evidence is increasing. Some security experts fear the rumored Home Depot data breach might be larger than Target's last year, which affected 40 million payment cards...