
  1. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Private Facebook data from 81,000 accounts discovered on crime forum

    Malicious browser extensions have been blamed for the theft of private messages and data from 81,000 Facebook users recently discovered for sale on a cybercrime forum. According to the BBC Russian Service investigation, samples of the data were discovered in September being hawked for 10 cents...
  2. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook gave certain companies special access to customer data

    What do Russian internet company Mail.ru, car maker Nissan, music service Spotify, and sports company Nike have in common? They, and 57 other companies, were revealed by Facebook in a US House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee submission to have been given temporary extensions to...
  3. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook crushes 583 million fake accounts in 3 months

    On Tuesday, Facebook took yet another stab at transparency in these days of users’ and politicians’ outrage. It came in the form of the first release of the company’s Community Standards Enforcement Report, and it was stuffed with the type of detail that Mark Zuckerberg told so many...
  4. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook app left 3 million users data exposed for four years

    After being burned to a crisp having been found to be manhandling Facebook users’ data, Cambridge Analytica’s ashes blew away on 2 May. Before it did, former employees had told Gizmodo that they knew the writing was on the wall for the data analytics company, but they didn’t realize how fast...
  5. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook Lets Users Scrub Web Data With `Clear History' Tool

    Facebook Inc. is going to let users see which websites and apps send the social network data on their activity -- and then give them the option to delete it, with a new "clear history" tool. The Menlo Park, California-based company is developing the feature in response to an outcry about data...
  6. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook: 3 reasons we’re tracking non-users

    It should have been an easy question to answer. It came from Florida Rep. Kathy Castor during the House’s questioning of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg last week, when she asked: You are collecting personal data on people who are not Facebook users. Yes or no? There was no yes or no to be had...
  7. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook shines a little light on ‘shadow profiles’

    Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of supposed surveillance titan Facebook, has apparently never heard of shadow profiles. Of all the things learned during Zuckerberg’s questioning by a succession of politicians in Congress this week, for privacy campaigners this was one of the most unexpected. We have...
  8. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Congress chews up Zuckerberg, day two: A far more thorough mastication

    After Tuesday’s nearly five-hour grilling in the Senate – more of a light sautéing, really – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday gave Congress another five hours of his life: this time, before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Representatives’ questions again hit on Tuesday’s...
  9. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook knew for years scammers were harvesting users’ details with phone number searches. Did nothing.

    Facebook ignored a widely-known privacy flaw for years, allowing scammers, spammers, and other malicious parties to scoop up virtually all users’ names and profile details. As I explained way back in 2012, when I was writing for the Sophos Naked Security blog, simply entering someone’s phone...
  10. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Congress grills Zuckerberg, day one: How does this online stuff work?

    Yikes, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in prepared remarks for a rare joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees on Tuesday and Wednesday: malefactors have used reverse-lookup “to link people’s public Facebook information to a phone number”! Quelle surprise, according to...
  11. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    How to check if your Facebook data was shared with Cambridge Analytica

    We’re sure you’ve heard of Cambridge Analytica (CA), the controversial company that harvested data from Facebook and then used it in ways that you almost certainly wouldn’t have wanted. About a month ago, we reported how a CA whistleblower named Christopher Wylie claimed that the company had...
  12. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook Scandal a Game Changer in Data Privacy Regulation

    Revelations that data belonging to as many 87 million Facebook Inc. users and their friends may have been misused became a game changer in the world of data protection as regulators are looking to raise awareness about how to protect information. Revelations that data belonging to as many 87...
  13. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook’s new fake news strategy is… decide for yourself!

    Who are these yo-yos who share fake news on social media? None of your friends, right? Your friends are too smart to fall for cockamamie click bait, and they’re diligent enough to check a source before they share, right? Well, get ready to have the curtain drawn back. These yo-yos may be us...
  14. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Facebook Terms of Service Need Work--Figuratively and Literally

    If one were to take Mark Zuckerberg’s words at face value, Facebook was created to bring us all closer together as a global community. To quote Zuckerberg directly from a recent post on Facebook in response to the emerging revelations around Cambridge Analytica’s alleged misappropriation, use...
  15. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Change This New Setting If You Want To Keep Facebook Video From Being Really Annoying

    Facebook just announced several tweaks to the way video will start performing on its service soon. However, in the name of enhancing “customer experience,” Facebook is adding one change that is likely to drive a significant number of users slightly crazy: Not only auto-playing videos, but making...
  16. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Mark Zuckerberg has his Pinterest account hacked (again)

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has had extraordinary success at building a social network that has attracted over a billion users. But that’s not to say that he’s had such luck in every other area of IT. Take securing his online accounts from attack, for instance. To misquote Oscar Wilde’s...
  17. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    Did Facebook tell your friends that you had died?

    An unusual bug on Facebook briefly labelled many people as dead. The error on Friday caused the social network to show a memorial banner on user profiles for people who were still alive. Users posted status updates to reassure friends and family they were not dead, despite Facebook's message...
  18. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    $5 million dollars paid as Facebook’s bug bounty program turns 5

    900 bugs. That’s a lot. $5,000,000. That’s a lot, too. That’s how many bugs Facebook’s pioneering bug bounty program has uncovered since it launched five years ago – and how much Facebook has paid for them. The social network giant celebrated the program’s fifth anniversary with a blog post and...
  19. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    How any Facebook page could have been hijacked or deleted… in just 10 seconds

    Can you imagine just how much online criminals would pay to be able to hijack, and even delete, any page on Facebook? Facebook pages are used by organizations, businesses and high profile figures like FC Barcelona (94 million fans), Vin Diesel (100 million fans), and Shakira (104 million fans)...
  20. allheart55 (Cindy E)

    14-year-old sues Facebook over nude photo posted to “shame” site

    A 14-year-old girl from Northern Ireland is suing Facebook after a naked photo was published on a “shame” page and repeatedly reposted. At a hearing in Belfast’s High Court, the girl’s attorney said that Facebook should have made blocking the image from being republished a “red-line” issue, the...