Your opinion?


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2009
Hello there,

My all new Dell Studio 15 is going to arrive tomorrow. Was just wondering if its a good idea to use Windows 7 RC as my primary OS or should I continue with Vista SP2 ?
I've been using Windows 7 as primary OS for a while now. If I were you I would use Windows 7 and ditch Vista.
Thats good to know. Thanks for the opinion. Have never used Vista, think I'll skip it now.
I used Vista. Got a free copy because I tested it and while I liked it I always thought it wasn't complete. Windows 7 is what Vista should have been if Microsoft hadn't rushed it out the door.
Windows 7 is what Vista should have been if Microsoft hadn't rushed it out the door.
Quite agree with that, i never did like Vista but Windows 7 ! well i think the guys ... and girls at MS got it right this time :D