XP Regional/Language Settings Nightmare :/

  • Thread starter Thread starter LJM
  • Start date Start date


My main regional/language/keyboards settings are for UK English, but
occasionally I need to type in Kana (Japanese). For months my Text
Services and Input Languages dialog (accessible via Regional Settings
applet in Control Panel) has looked like this:

http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w112/walkermoore/xp problems/Regional-Settings-2.jpg

This morning however, something had clearly gone wrong because the only
languages available through the text input tool were EN (UK) and EN (US)
and the above dialog now looked like this:

http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w112/walkermoore/xp problems/Regional-Settings-3.jpg

The UK keyboard is still there (limited window space), but EN (US) has
appeared along with a Bulgarian keyboard under the Japanese language!?
I have no idea how or why that happened.

So, to fix this I figured I'd delete EN (US) and all the Japanese
settings, restart the system and just add Japanese with the IME input
again. This screenshot of my desktop makes clear what I did (no words

http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w112/walkermoore/xp problems/Regional-Settings-1.jpg

....and when I add Japanese, the dialog once more looks like the top
screenshot I posted in this message. Great! But when I apply and OK my
way out, I discover that the Japanese input tools are still unavailable,
that EN (US) is STILL listed, and when I open the control panel applet,
I see EN (US) and the dreaded Bulgarian keyboard are back again! What
the hell!

How the heck do I revert to my original settings (as seen in the top
screenshot)? Yes I also tried restarting the system after resetting the
settings for a second time, but that didn't fix it either.

Absolutely desperate because a project I'm working on requires some
Hiragana input. :(
LJM -_-*,,|,