XP Lockout!

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I have tried reading all the relevant posts and scoured the earth for this solution, if someone could help I'd appreciate it.

A dear friend passed away and I was given her PC - a fast XP with SP3 which (being elderly) she only used for web & emails. Her account was "Judi".

I had noticed sometime ago that on her logon screen, that there was another user called "Fiona" (she told me an old work collegue who probably stayed with her).

Now a friend in Lions needed a PC as his very elderly HP had failed completely fortunately I managed to copy his files before he disposed of it - I offered this newer PC to him after I "set it up" for him.

I set a new account up on this newer PC "Ken" was added. Then after deleting Judi & Fiona accounts I cleaned the machine up with MalwareBytes, CCleaner & defrag. All went well now with only Ken appearing on the logon screen (with an appropriate icon picture), which I used several times in setting up his mail account and moving his files acrossetc. His password is blank.

As the only user now was Ken, I thought it strange that he would have to click his (only) user each time at the "Log in", so I looked and found a checkbox that said something to the effect "..don't display a login picture..." . That started my problem! Removing his "icon" logon ONLY brings the following - FIONA!!

Now at login a Logon Message says "The system could not log you on. Make sure your User name & domain are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case" The choice for this error message is "OK" which takes you to an older 'Classic Win98 type looking' Logon screen (no user icons) that was behind this Logon Message, with (Name) Fiona is displayed on this (older) login screen (name filled in and below password blank), with choice of entering password or shutdown!!

Of course password can't be guessed (yes - tried blank, admin etc) so the only choice is to shutdown.

Going F8 on boot to "Safe mode" gets to the usual safe mode black screen WITH Fiona's login screen as above and booting with CD using NTPASSWD shows the usual 1) administrator 2)Ken 3) Guest and 4) Support Microsoft - NO FIONA is shown - and I've set all these passwords to 'blank'. Of course repair and recovery "R" repair doesn't do anything about deleting Fiona

This results in the original message & Fiona login again. How can I get back to Ken's login "picture icon" screen without loosing Ken's files and mail. Where could Fiona be lurking when she's not a NET USER?

Again I'd appreciate any help. Brian.

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