xp info

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bonnie
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Bonnie wrote:
> is there a place that i can get
> codes and info about xp to
> fix problems??

"info about xp to fix problems"?

Not really specific enough to help out there. Actually - I have no clue
what you mean by "codes"...

You can get help with Windows XP issues from peers here - in the newsgroups.
Just ask specific and detailed questions.

You can search (using Google or your favorite search engine) for solutions
to specific issues.

You might find some web pages out there that have whole sections of
tips/tricks/etc. Do not take any of them 'at their word'. Research
anything you are about to do thoroughly before doing it. Be sure you
unsterstand what it is you are changing/doing before you do it. Otherwise -
you might take advice that will harm you instead of help.

Your easiest recourse is to ask your specific and detailed questions in
these newsgroups, however. I suggest you do this in 'plain text' next time
as well. ;-)

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:45:33 -0500, "Bonnie" <121819@comcast.net>

> is there a place that i can get
> codes and info about xp to
> fix problems??

Please be *much* more specific about what you're looking for. Your
question is just too broad to even begin to answer.

Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please Reply to the Newsgroup
Bonnie wrote:
> is there a place that i can get
> codes and info about xp to
> fix problems??
> thanks,
> bonnie

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