WMIPRVSE FREEZES my Entire System....How Can I STOP IT??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry
  • Start date Start date


Hey all,

I have a Dell that is running XP Service Pack 2 and up until about a month
ago I had no problems at all. Now I am about ready to dump this thing and
get a MAC....

Anyway, I started noticing my programs would stop responding and even my
mouse pointer would freeze. I couldn't do ANYTHING! After scanning my
system for MalWare, Virii, and other nasties everything came up clean. The
next time I noticed my system not responding I also noticed that my hard
drive started running continuously almost like I was retrieving or saving a
LARGE file. My system would stay frozen and my drive continue to run for up
to 4 or 5 minutes at a time. It would probably happen every half hour or so.
Sometimes I would see it happen every 15 minutes. It was getting EXTREMELY
aggravating. One night after it happened a few times I went on the lookout
to try and see what was causing this problem. I went into SYSTEM INFORMATION
and looked under "RUNNING TASKS" and matched the time of the last freeze to a
file called WMIPRVSE.EXE. Under PATH it listed "NOT AVAILABLE." The PROCESS
ID is 608. Priority is 8. Both the MIN and MAX WORKING SET is NOT
AVAILABLE. The VERSION is NOT AVAILABLE as well as the SIZE and File Date.
I KNOW this is the culprit because eash time my system has one of the FREEZE
moments the time it happens will always be the time that WMIPRVSE ran last.

So basically I have a system that is TOTALLY USELESS on several different
occasions during any one computing session. I have done a lot of searching
and reading and have yet to find a solution. The Knowledge Base isn't any
good because those fixes are only for Windows SERVER and I am NOT running
that. I have also read many postings in these newsgroups and despite many
people seeming to have this problem, I have yet to find a solution. I don't
want to call Microsoft and pay for someone I can't understand to try and fix

I am hoping that someone on here can help me fix this thing. I am just
about at my wits end with this thing. I know my hard drive is totally
occupied and my CPU will go to 100% each and every time this thing starts. I
have scanned with just about every kind of protection program and blocker
that I can find and still NOTHING has changed. If I can't get help here I am
just going to format my drive and re-install XP and all my stuff. If that
doesn't fix it then I am going to a MAC.

PLEASE SOMEONE tell me how to fix this and return my computer back to the
enjoyable machine I had a month or so ago.

Thanks for your time and help.

>I have a Dell that is running XP Service Pack 2 and up until about a month
>ago I had no problems at all. Now I am about ready to dump this thing and
>get a MAC....
>Anyway, I started noticing my programs would stop responding and even my
>mouse pointer would freeze. I couldn't do ANYTHING! After scanning my
>system for MalWare, Virii, and other nasties everything came up clean. The
>next time I noticed my system not responding I also noticed that my hard
>drive started running continuously almost like I was retrieving or saving a
>LARGE file. My system would stay frozen and my drive continue to run for up
>to 4 or 5 minutes at a time. It would probably happen every half hour or so.
> Sometimes I would see it happen every 15 minutes. It was getting EXTREMELY
>aggravating. One night after it happened a few times I went on the lookout
>to try and see what was causing this problem. I went into SYSTEM INFORMATION
>and looked under "RUNNING TASKS" and matched the time of the last freeze to a
>file called WMIPRVSE.EXE. Under PATH it listed "NOT AVAILABLE." The PROCESS
>ID is 608. Priority is 8. Both the MIN and MAX WORKING SET is NOT
>AVAILABLE. The VERSION is NOT AVAILABLE as well as the SIZE and File Date.
>I KNOW this is the culprit because eash time my system has one of the FREEZE
>moments the time it happens will always be the time that WMIPRVSE ran last.
>So basically I have a system that is TOTALLY USELESS on several different
>occasions during any one computing session. I have done a lot of searching
>and reading and have yet to find a solution. The Knowledge Base isn't any
>good because those fixes are only for Windows SERVER and I am NOT running
>that. I have also read many postings in these newsgroups and despite many
>people seeming to have this problem, I have yet to find a solution. I don't
>want to call Microsoft and pay for someone I can't understand to try and fix
>I am hoping that someone on here can help me fix this thing. I am just
>about at my wits end with this thing. I know my hard drive is totally
>occupied and my CPU will go to 100% each and every time this thing starts. I
>have scanned with just about every kind of protection program and blocker
>that I can find and still NOTHING has changed. If I can't get help here I am
>just going to format my drive and re-install XP and all my stuff. If that
>doesn't fix it then I am going to a MAC.
>PLEASE SOMEONE tell me how to fix this and return my computer back to the
>enjoyable machine I had a month or so ago.
>Thanks for your time and help.

I saw WMI spiking the CPU for a bit after installing .NET 2.0 and 3.0
SP1. I was doing some background tasks for about 3-4 minutes but after
that, it has more or less ceased. Do happen to have either 2.0 or 3.0

- Thee Chicago Wolf

NO I have none of that stuff installed. It is just a BASIC Windows XP
machine and it started doing this about a month ago.
I really don't want to FORMAT my drive so if you have any info about how I
can stop this I would appreciate hearing it.


> I saw WMI spiking the CPU for a bit after installing .NET 2.0 and 3.0
> SP1. I was doing some background tasks for about 3-4 minutes but after
> that, it has more or less ceased. Do happen to have either 2.0 or 3.0
> installed?
> - Thee Chicago Wolf
>NO I have none of that stuff installed. It is just a BASIC Windows XP
>machine and it started doing this about a month ago.
>I really don't want to FORMAT my drive so if you have any info about how I
>can stop this I would appreciate hearing it.
>> I saw WMI spiking the CPU for a bit after installing .NET 2.0 and 3.0
>> SP1. I was doing some background tasks for about 3-4 minutes but after
>> that, it has more or less ceased. Do happen to have either 2.0 or 3.0
>> installed?

Any goofy logs in the event viewer?

- Thee Chicago Wolf