WinXP: Help and Support issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter C J.
  • Start date Start date

C J.


On my girlfriends PC, when opening help and support sometimes, and filling
in the search bar, and clicking the arrow... she'll get a Search Results
box w/ three items appearing on left side of screen.

1. Suggested Topics,
2. Full-text search Matches, and
3. Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Just now, I typed in Format to see what she's complaining about. Search
Results shows: Suggested topics 15 results, Full-text search matches 15
results, Microsoft Knowledge Base shows 0 results. For a topic as critical
as Formatting, you'd think MSKB would show X number of results, on top of
the 30 already shown above it right?

Now - typing in KB article number for repairing a damaged or corrupt
registry... all three show 0 results. Is thinking help and support is
damaged, or the database is corrupted somehow. Don't understand this, as PC
is connected to the internet. Is there a way to reinstall help and support
to correct or repair this?
