FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
WindowsXPSP3/ MSNDialup NOT WORKING FOR 6 WKS. I've been with dialup since it was offered so I understand speed and ETC.

Hot Mail (which I don't like) seems to be working.
On MSN Email --- Can't send nor do I receive Emails (every once in a while one will arrive...and when I go to Hotmail...22 arrived). Talked with 13 techs, removed all files (alt/shiftF9) 7 times. Just some of the issues:

MSN inbox (top left above folders) keeps going to yellow Trangle and says i'm disconnected yet I am on line. Connection errors include: 0x80072efd / 0x0x80191002 / 0x80072eff and others. Deleted trash returns every time. Mark an Email unread and it gets
deleted. Tons and tons and tons of other issues. Microsoft Techs seem to be stuck on Alt/Shift/F9 and nothing improves and at times gets worse... like the last time I alt/shif/F9...folders came back but old email not showing. Email window Blank and Empty.
Browsing super slow &amp usually stops and tells me I'm not on line. Micro diagnosis says I am and to contact mfg. One tech admitted a new server came into the issues. But 6weeks and I pay for the service? One tech said it was at my end. Frustrated, I got another
PC, downloaded my MSN dialup, and NOW...I HAVE all the same issues on the added computer. The 2 computers are not connected. Stand alones. Phone lines checked. Modems checked. Micro seems to keep secrets. And obviously can't solve my
issues. Obviously frustrated spendinging 15 hours on the phone and tired of the Microsoft Music on hold. Should I cancel? Today, even hot mail was acting up. Using Internet Explorer i keep getting ERROR 500 messages or a particular Microsoft web page no longer
exists. Can't browse at all using MSN Internet Browser. What in the world is happening to all of us MSN people?????

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