Windows XP Pro x64 Performance Monitoring Permissions

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Recently we have upgraded our systems to Windows XP Pro x64 and have
run into a Permissions Problem. The problem I am working on involves
normal users being able to use the 'Process Monitor' administration

After a bit of searching I discovered the following from MS:

>From Windows Server 2003, you will get an exception if you try to get process performance information under a non-admin account. The workaround is to add that account into the Performance Counter Users Group."

I have found this response in server places quoting both "Performance
Counter User" and "Performance Counter Users" Our domain is
functioning as a Windows Server 2003 domain, but the "Performance
Counter User"(s) group just does not exist.

Working through this problem and possible solutions I have come across
the 'Performance Log Users' and 'Performance Monitor Users' groups and
the 'Profile single process' and 'Profile system performance' User
rights (permissions).

Our 'normal' user cannot use the Performance Monitor administration
tool by default (which I suppose is to be expected) but still cannot
while given the above groups/permissions.

If the user is put into the Domain Admins group everything works fine.
However it is not desirable that normal user has all other associated

Using "runas" to run the PM as an administrator works, but means an
administrator password is common knowledge.

Is it a bug in xp64/2003 that giving users/groups the 'Profile System
Performance' permission does not work? If it is not how on earth do I
give my 'normal' user/group permissions to use the performance monitor
snap in?

Please, please can someone help?
Kind Regards
Phil Harvey.