Windows Xp Does Not Connect To Webdav Space


Mar 5, 2010

I have a W2k8 Ent SP2 server running a default website. The server is a domain member and the website is running under a certificate (protocol bindings https, 443) and uses Digest Authentication. Under this website severall virtual folders exists, each with their own 'Authorisation Rules'.

So far so good. (Test) users can access the main login page en will get, based on their groupmembership, acces to an virtual folder. I have severall testusers. They all connect to the webserver and get access to their virtual directorie. This works like an charm.

The problem:

One of the virtual directories is created as a webdav area. From the webserver itself I can connect to this area (net use * https://fqdn/test) using the login of a test user. The drive is created and the user can browse the folder and create or delete files.


Creating the same drive under Windows XP Prof (version 2002) SP3 using 'add a network place' (https://fqdn/test) gives me the message "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another'...


If I try from the cmd box (of the Windows XP box) 'net use * https://fqdn/test' I get the respons: 'System error 67 has occurred. The network name cannot be found.' (this xp computer is NOT a member of the NT domain)


From the XP box(es) I can ping the FQDN and even the alias for it (without the www. in it)

I'm kind of lost here... I have looked on severall website's and fora but did not find any working solution (has this to do with the StrictNameChecking?).

Thanks in advance for reading this, kind regards,

Hello Matt,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes I'm sure all necessary components have been installed. This included the desktop experience on the w2k8 server. The configuration I'm deploying now has been tested in a VMware environment first (except for the SSL / certificate), so I know that the base should work -)

I hoped somebody in the forum would came up with a quick and ‘magical’ solution -)

Besides the DNS that I will check first my plan is to return to the VMware test environment.


I’m sorry for the delay in my post about a solution for my WebDav problem. Today I realized that I forgot to post the solution! Having last weekend a good night sleep it hit me:

DNS people…

Bu sure that you’re able to adress the server, especially reverse DNS. My problem was that because of the complex network and NT domain infrastructure and the fact that de WebDav server was multi homed reverse DNS did not function well. Putting a static route on the server and pointing the whole bunch to one DNS server solved the problem within 5 minutes -)



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