Windows Update Repeatedly Offers IE9 and KB2799494


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have a customer running Windows 7 Pro SP1. Windows update is continually offering two updates, Internet Explorer 9 and KB2799494, but both are

already installed. IE 9 fails to install with error code 9C48, KB2799494 installs correctly again and again.

The System Event Log and Reliability Monitor indicate that the problem started on 13th December the day after the computer suffered a disruptive

shutdown. The following day around eight updates failed to install and were continually re-offered. Over time the number appears to have reduced leaving the two that are currently proving problematical.

I have followed the instructions in KB910339 "Windows Update Or Microsoft Update Continually Offers The Same Update" as follows:

  • Run the "Automatically diagnose and fix common problems with Windows Update" Fixit with security software disabled - no problems found.
  • Run the Fixit to reset Windows Update with security software disabled - this found and corrected a corruption problem with the database and reset Windows Update (I didn't restart the computer before running Windows Update again as it didn't ask me to).
  • Virus scanned the computer with Norton and Trend Micro - nothing found.
The customer still has the problem and any additional suggestions would be welcome.

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