Windows Enterprise 7 - error message "Windows Update in Progress" followed by "Failed to update, rev


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have had Windows Enterprise 7 installed on my Dell Inspiron computer by my client in 2011. (Originally I had Vista). Recently everytime I start or shutdown the laptop I get the message "Windows Update in Progress" followed by "Failed to update, reversing
changes". This cycle continues quite a few times before the logon prompt appears (almost 10 min). I took it the machine to a repair centre - they deleted some "temporary" files, and it was OK for a while - the messages were not appearing. But recently the
same problem started occuring again (regardless I am connected to internet). Can anyone tell me the location of the temp files so I can delete them myself. I do not have either Vista or Enterprise install CD so unable to reninstall.
The Vista version was genuine because I purchased it along with the laptop. The Enterprise version is also likely to be genuine because the client was a large company - unlikely to use an unauthorised version.I first started experiencing the problem in 2012 - long after Enterise 7 was installed.Thanks

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