Windows Clipboard Default Font Change

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert T
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Robert T

I cannot stand Times New Roman so I changed the default font in my Office
Applications to either Arial or Calibri, my new favorite. That works unless
I'm copying something to the Clipboard, then it's always back in that
horrible Times New Roman font. I don't know if this is an Office or a Windows
XP issue. Since I already changed the fonts in Office, I suspect the
clipboard might be a Windows feature.

If that's the case, does anyone know how to change the Windows Clipboard
Default font?

Hello Robert,
The clipboard doesn't have a font, default or otherwise. Data exists
on the clipboard in a variety of formats, and it's merely a shared
memory area. When you copy someting, a program puts the data into the
clipboard. When you paste, the program fetches the data, and inserts it
into the workspace.
But there isn't any magical transformation taking place.
If you are seeing a change in fonts, it's likely due to the fonts that
were in the data when it arrived on the clipboard. This can happen with
"fancy" formats like Rich Text Format (from word processors) and HTML
(from browsers).

Typically, a fancy program like Outlook, IE7, or Word will place the
data onto the clipboard, simultaneously in 3 major formats:
TEXT, Rich Text Format (RTF) and HTML.
TEXT has no formatting, fonts, or the like. If a program pastes TEXT,
it should be just as if you were typing at the keyboard. Whatever font
is in effect in your editor, will apply to the pasted data.
But if you paste RTF or HTML, you may get font information contained
within that data. This can introduce a font change, color, tables,
margins, point size, etc..

Try an experiment: Open up windows notepad, and type something in
there. Copy that, and paste into Word. You'll definitely get whatever
font was in effect in the word document, and there is no possibility of
Notepad placing anything other than plain text onto the clipboard.

Try this: When you copy data from the web, outlook, etc, paste into
Notepad first, then RE-COPY it from Notepad, and then paste into Word.
That'll have the effect of "cleansing" the clipboard of any
font-bearing formats, and you'll get just what you want. Word may also
have an Edit | Paste Special command.

If you were running my ClipMate program, you could just tap the Win+W
key, to "filter" the clipboard into text-only mode, then paste into
word, and the formatting would be stripped.

These tips and more, at
