Windows 'Blue' Update


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Sorry Microsoft,

I've viewed the Windows 8 leaked update 'Blue'... Why are you spending money doing this incredibly poor update? (as well as your useless advertising for Windows 8)? The Blue update is completely worthless as long as you maintain METRO as the front end of

Why is there no-one at Microsoft realising this fact? Windows 8 is an UTTER failure. (way worse than VISTA) Your tablets are sub-standard. (Both RT and PRO) and failing to sell at any appreciable rate. (The public perception of Microsoft is at an all time
low after the launch of Windows 8 and the sacking of Sinofsky. I agreed with you that the idiot had to go, but it was an admission that you'd mucked it all up. (And that has been proven to be the case.)

The Windows store apps are unbelievably poor. The BBC (for goodness sake) asking to remove the ONLY app that gets their information (Because even the BBC sees Windows 8 as a failure (not worth developing for) and below their standards!)

Why isn't there someone at Microsoft with enough balls to admit that Windows 8 is a complete and utter disaster? You spend millions on dreadful advertising, promoting Windows 8, developing ridiculous extensions to a pathetic, front end. (I'm supposed to
be impressed that I can reduce the size of a tile?, something I NEVER WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?!!!)

Sorry, the only people I've witnessed looking at a Windows 8 PC are pensioners, looking to upgrade their computers, totally bemused by the new operating system (they are given unbelievable bullshit by the inexperienced sales staff that have no clue either.
I really need to get on to trading standards about the poor quality advice the morons in these shops give... (Driven by the quality(?) Microsoft training - no doubt!)

Anyone with an ounce of knowledge of computing would condemn Windows 8. Truly dreadful...

You may kid yourselves that Windows 'Blue' will solve all your problems, but I'm sorry, no, you won't. It's a worthless endeavour... The leaked video only enhances my hatred of this grotesque operating system you have created. It isn't even worthy of that
name. It should be non-operating system..

As long as you provide the sub-standard user interface and (lets be honest... pathetic app store (the number of apps does NOT equate to QUALITY))

you're looking forward to oblivion...

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