Windows and Office Updates Discussion


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
With Windows 7 updates which are huge and can take 24hrs just to download, wondering what PC HELP FORUM Techies do for clients when clean Installing Windows 7.

Many Friends and Clients still want Windows7 installed on their Computers.

1. Do you keep their PC's all this extra time, till sure all updates are installed correctly?

2. Do you let the clients install the updates, which can on occasions go belly up and go into a revert loop?

3. Do you have all Windows 7 and office updates burnt to an external media, or stick for quick install?

Interested what your method is.:)
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I mostly try to persuade the customer to let me install the updates, also explaining to them that there will be no extra charge for that. That gives me the chance to make sure there are no problems, and also to install the programs they need.
Like Frank I try to persuade the users to let me have the computer a few more hours. Most of the time they agree.
Myself and Dougie have been investigating a piece of software during the last week or so that may interest you guys. Have a look at the video.

We have done a lot of testing in the last few days and it appears that this could be a good thing for anyone that repairs computers. Dougie may be able to tell us a bit more.
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I forgot to mention before that the software is totally free. In the video, Eli is demonstrating an older version, but the latest version seems just as easy.
Frank and I have done exhaustive testing of this great bit of software, including fresh installs.
Trying to find any weaknesses before recommending, and can't find any.
Nothing short of brilliant. Our choice is installing the updates on a Flash Drive as some netbooks
for example don't have an Optical Drive, so a Flash Drive makes more sense.

Anyone ever tried to get all the correct updates themselves off a Microsoft Server will know what a headache it is.

It is that simple with the correct settings to hit start and walk away. Does all reboots automatically.
Easy as that. All Done.
Why this is free I will never know. The amount Techies will save in valuable time is amazing.

Our Tests were done on Windows7 x64 Bit.
Average time we found to install all the updates if all are chosen is a little over 60 mins from start to finish.

Before install off the Flash Drive there is a final options Box before clicking "Start"

The Author keeps the versions up to date so that's a plus.
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