Windows 8 To Launch In 2012?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Another roadmap. This one comes from a recent Italian Windows Server presentation. If nothing else, this just verifies the obvious: The codename for the next revision of Windows is indeed, "Windows 8," and there's a 3-year gap between the current server release (minor) and the upcoming server release (major). The kicker here, though, is the ever-so-slight, non-committal tilda you see before the 2012, thus leaving them breathing room to maybe spill into 2013 if necessary. That tilda keeps things nice 'n loose for Microsoft's public deadline, but if Windows 7's development is exemplary of how future versions of Windows are to be developed, (2nd half of) 2012 could be considered a worst-case scenario for the delivery of Windows 8 Server.

Source: UX Evangelist
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I think they're producing and releasing too quickly. If they took more time over it and actually gave each OS about 5 years before shunning it out with a new one, they might actually create something to be proud of and have less mistakes similar to Vista :S (Not that I dislike Vista, it's my favourite OS so far, even above Win 7 at the moment.)
Microsoft used to release a new OS every 2 years up until the 5 year wait between XP and Vista. They are getting back to that release cycle again.