Windows 8 constantly crashing.


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Hello. I recently bought a Windows 8 Pro copy. I decided to use it because I used windows 8 pre-release and liked it. Now here is the problem. As on the pre-release version I didn't experience any crash when I installed
W8 Pro I got first crash. I installed it again with. It turned on everything was fine until i reset it. It didn't start for a second time and I was forced to refresh the system and loose all my apps. After I launched fresh system it worked only for 1 day and
then crashed again, now even without possibility to refresh it. As I'm trying to launch it everything I have is black screen and nothing more even if I'll wait longer than 20 minutes. I hope you'll be able to get help.

Thanks from above.

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