Windows 7 Windows Explorer Extremely Slow After Updates


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Yesterday I ran Windows Update, and it installed a number of new updates. After doing this, I tried to access an executable file on a different machine on the work's network through the Windows Explorer (as I've been doing for a long time), but after the
update it is unacceptably slow. The response time ranges from 8-12 MINUTES for it to even open the executable, during which time the machine is completely frozen.

Accessing the files on other remote machines works fine, navigating the file system on other machines works fine, but launching the executable (or trying to transfer significantly large files) is several times slower than it once was. The fault is not
with the connection or the machines: I ran the Remote Desktop to my virtual machine, and was able to access the desired executable in mere seconds.

I've restored to the point before I did the updates, run several different virus scans (no viruses detected), cleaned the registry (with RegClean and CCleaner), ran CheckDisk, and disabled TCP Auto-Tuning, all to no avail. I'm running out of ideas and
quite frankly getting very frustrated I need this to be resolved since my work-related projects depend on it.

The machine is Windows 7 Enterprise, Service Pack 1, 64-bit OS (if any of these details make a difference).

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