Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit : chronic 0XC8000247 Lenovo T500


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I purchased 8 GB of memory and a 750 GB (ST750LX003) Seagate SSD Hybrid Drive. My system had Windows 7 32 bit, 4 GB memory and 320 GB drive. The 320 GB drive is in a separate USB case now and is in it's original state.

I loaded Windows 7 Ultimate on the new drive, everything went smoothly. I downloaded the Lenovo software for drivers and updates, it all ran fine. Installed Office 2010 Professional. When it came time to run WIndows Update, I get the message with the error
code. I also cannot load .NET 4.0 because of the same error code.

Windows is authenticated and passes Microsoft Genuine Diagnostics, yet nothing changes- no update. I have also loaded Intel Chipset software people suggest- no difference. This has been the third day working on this off and on and it's getting tiresome.

Give me suggesntion, please, I want to get this behind me. This machine is not a toy, it's a tool for my business.

Thank you, in advance, for you kind assistance!

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